Monday, August 11, 2008

"Start of Something New"

I spent the last 4 days in Erie with Ethan, and it was amazing! I really love it up there! I never thought I would...but who would've guessed..?! lol I'm going to simply note that Ethan truely is amazing. I could not ask for a better bf.

I got a very exciting phone call this morning. It was Geneva College! I was accepted!!!!!! The first college I applied to and was accepted to! Woot! I'm on a good start! lol As of right now my major there is Sociology. I don't know if I will change it or not. Or even if thats where I really want to go. I have a lot to think about and pray about. But I was-and am- so excited about being accepted into my first college! It really is an amazing feeling. Lol, when they told me I was jumping around. Poor Elliot, was just staring at me like I was crazy. But it was an amazing feeling.

I'm truely ready for this school year to start. I'm so excited to see what is going to become of it. And to graduate?! OMG! I can't believe it!!! It is really happening... The years of my life that I never thought would come are here! Senior year...College...all of it...right before my eyes! I can't believe it.

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